Tagged: プログラム


Houdini Fluid Minute Tutorial

Very cool quick Houdni fluid tutorial by Gaurav Mathur. The video shows how to create fluid sim in the moving container without moving the sim box.


python scripts to exe

1)Download pyinstaller2.0. 2)Unzip to C: (or anywhere you want to install) *you may need to download pywin32 and install it. 3)Open cmd (in Windows) and give the command:  python Path\to\pyinstallerDirectory\pyinstaller.py Path\to\yourScript.py  e.g. python C:\pyinstaller-2.0\pyinstaller.py...


Houdini: wold position pass

It is useful in comp to have wold position information in RGB as one of rendering passes. 1) Create transform VOP in the shader 2) Connect “P” from global variables VOP to the transform...


Python with Mel : angleBetween

cmds.angleBetween( euler=True, vector1, vector2) returns 3 Euler angles. (rx,ry,rz) ex. cmds.angleBetween( euler=True, v1=(0.0, 1.0, 2.0), v2=(1.0, 2.0, 0.0) ) # Result: -0.8728716 0.4364358 -0.2182179 66.421822 #