Garuesh – Particle snake

One of big shots in my thesis project is almost done.

It is the shot of Medusa’s foster mother, Garuesh. (This is one character I created for my story, so she is not in Greek myth.)

The character is a huge snake formed by many small snakes.

I’ve worked on her since last Fall.

This is the first sketch I drew.


I had to animate herself as well as small snakes.

Therefor, I made procedural animation for the small snakes forming her body.

I used Houdini to do this crowd sim.

Basically small snakes are driven by particle.

However, I can’t just copy snakes to particle because each snakes have to deformed based on the shape of Garuesh’s body and her movement.

I did many experiments not only for the procedural animation but also tweaks for memory effeciency.

After the try and error, I could get effects what I want.

Some of the snakes never listen to me, so just delet them one by one.

I also made procedural shader for snakes to make variation.

I think its working very good.

This is what I’ve done so far.


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